Bieber Fever VII: November 13, 2014

Red Angus Bred Cows:
Lots 1-50Lots 51-100Lots 101-139
Red Angus Bred Cows:
Added Lots 140-159
Red Angus Commercial Bred Heifers:
Lots 150-155
Two Year Old Bulls:
Lots 160-200Lots 201-233

Commercial Bred Heifers Thanks for allowing time for the videos to load.

Sale Catalog

Supplement Sheet - 14 added Female Lots

50 to 60 head of Red Angus heifers from Mark Gross, Bridgewater, SD cell 605-366-3068.
These are home raised heifers. The heifers start calving March 15th, pasture exposed to Bieber Red
Angus bulls (Samurai sons) turned out for 50 days. These heifers are ultrasound measured for
pregnancy and are solid red heifers.